Well dancers where did January go its February already.
First Lucky Numbers draw of 2025 tonight at the social. You can still buy a number for the remaining months.
RAFFLE: Please have a rummage in your cupboards for donations for our After Christmas Christmas Easter Mystery Raffle. Proceeds will go the the Pink Ribbon Cancer Charity. Wrap your donations in any paper ... it's a mystery raffle. Raffle tickets can be purchased from Pat £1 a strip or 6 strips for £5.
Have a look at the linedance breaks ... they are filling up fast ... have a word with Pat to book or for more info.
Line Dance Etiquette on the dance floor ... please have a look at the notice in class or visit the webpage.
1st Feb Evening Social at St James
15th Feb Afternoon Tea Social at Cobham
JANUARY: £40 Lynn number 28, £30 Hazel number 98, £25 Simone number 95
BIRTHDAY CONGRATULATIONS TO: Jocelyne O'Donnel, Melanie Monteiro, Polly Hutchinson, Hazel Sturt, Carol Dance. Jeannette Walkling, Barbara Risley,
Happy New Year to all our wonderful dancers. Let's dance our way into 2025.
It's good to see Pat back in class after her leg op.
Dances being taught has its own page. Look down the side menu for 'List Of Dances' to access the page.
The After Christmas Christmas Easter Mystery Raffle:
We are running a raffle with all proceeds going to the Pink Ribbon Cancer Charity. Raffle tickets can be purchased from Pat, £1 a strip or six strips for £5. To be drawn in the classes from the 1st April. All donations gratefully accepted, so please have a rummage. To make it more interesting wrap your donations in any paper before handing them in ... as it's a mystery raffle.
We have a new Lucky Numbers Game for 2025. Only 5 numbers left. So don't lose out buy your number now. £12 for the year and your number goes in each month. Prizes each month are £40, £30, £25.
There only a few spaces available on all the Line Dance Weekends 2025 that I'm hosting. Don't be disappointed by leaving it too late ... you only pay a deposit to book your place.
See Pat to reserve a space and to purchase raffle tickets and lucky numbers.
No socials in January ... February socials are
1st February: evening social at St James Church Hall
15th February: afternoon tea social at Cobham Village Hall
Sandy, Dennis, Veronica, Jill B, Jude, Simone, Brenda J, Christine P, Nina, Irene
Image: Rhinestone Cowboy Theatre show cast and crew visit to HotShots at the Sunray.
Image: Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea Feb 2015
"Thank you for another memorable weekend. Your brilliant efforts are always much appreciated"...
"To thank you for a very entertaining line dance weekend"...
Image: Wild West Themed Birthday.
For Sainsburys Active Kids..."thank you very much. Janice was great and the girls really enjoyed their sessions..."
Tracey P
Image: Sutton Court care Home
"it is very inspiring and motivating when you throw so much energy and enthusiasm into the DJ'ing and workshops..."
Jean W
"Thanks for attending at short notice and giving us a fun lesson in linedancing."
Lisa G
Merton Carers Community Advisor
"We at Dundonald PTA thank you for a wonderful line dance evening. The parents had a wonderful time dancing to the rhythm of the music. Thank you for great teaching!!!
Erica C
Dundonald School PTA
" really did a marvellous job in getting the participation that you did. I have already had comments from people saying how much they enjoyed the event."
Peter F
The Rotary Club of Woolwich
"The energy you put into everything making sure no one was left out was great. Everyone had a good time."
Image: club logo
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